All numbers can be divided by themselves and by one.
Prime numbers can ONLY be divided by themselves and by one.
Composite numbers can be divided by something else, also.
Example of a
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13 can ONLY be divided by 13 or by 1:
1 group of 13 | OR | 13 groups of 1
Example of a
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15 can be divided by 5 or 3, as well as by 15 or 1:
3 groups of 5 | OR | 5 groups of 3
OR |
1 group of 15 | OR | 15 groups of 1
Generally the easiest way to decide whether a number is prime or composite is to run through the list of possible divisors:
Can I divide by 2?
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(All EVEN NUMBERS can be divided by 2.)
Can I divide by 3?
(Add the digits together if the SUM OF THE DIGITS can be divided by 3, then the number, itself, can be divided by 3.)
Can I divide by 5?
(Does the number end with 0 or 5?)
Try dividing by 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 and so on.
(HINT: When the answer is less than the divisor you can stop trying.)