Study Guides for the TOEIC Exam!

Kaplan TOEIC Vocabulary Prep
Kaplan's TOEIC Vocabulary Prep will make learning American English words simple and fun. Words and context are relevant to business, communications, and American culture. This unique portable resource includes:
  • 500+ words for the TOEIC in flash card like page design
  • Definitions and corresponding forms in different parts of speech 
  • Sample sentences showing each word's meaning in context
  • 45+ vocabulary and idiom lists and exercises
Number of Reviews: 78starsRate this Product
Kaplan - 2015

600 Essential Words for the TOEIC
Updated to reflect the most recent TOEIC, this test preparation book includes 50 vocabulary-building lessons that focus on American English as it is used in business, industry, communications, and cultural activities. The enclosed audio CDs provide essential help in pronunciation and listening comprehension.
Number of Reviews: 19starsRate this Product
Barron's Educational Series - 2014

Barron's TOEIC: Test of English for International Communication [With CD (Audio)] (Barron's TOEIC)

This updated edition of the TOEIC preparation manual includes an enclosed MP3 CD. The book presents:

  • Four full-length practice tests identical in format and question types to the current TOEIC test.
  • Topics and vocabulary frequently seen on the actual TOEIC
  • All test questions answered and explained
  • Extensive practice in listening and reading comprehension skills
A high score on the TOEIC is required by many businesses and institutions when considering job applicants whose first language is not English. The enclosed CD provides comprehensive instruction in English language listening comprehension.


Number of Reviews: 30starsRate this Product
Barron's Educational Series - 2013

The Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test
The Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test provides learners with a clearly organized, step-by-step program for maximizing test scores. It is the most complete and up-to-date guide to the TOIEC Test on the market.
Number of Reviews: 20starsRate this Product
Heinle ELT - 2006