Study Guides for the ASVAB Exam!
ASVAB Exam Cram, Second Edition, is the perfect study guide to help you pass the ASVAB exam. It provides coverage and practice questions for every exam topic. The book contains an extensive set of practice questions, including 200 printed questions in two full practice exams, while the CD-ROM test engine provides real-time practice and feedback. The book covers the critical information you?ll need to know to score higher on your ASVAB exam!
Pearson - 2009
ASVAB AFQT For Dummies reviews the core concepts that comprise the AFQT portion of the ASVAB, providing the tools that you need to get your best score and become eligible for military enlistment. This practical, hands-on guide features four practice exams (16 subtests in total) and detailed explanations of the answers. You'll find the instruction, explanation, and practice you need to master the critical Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Arithmetic Reasoning, and Mathematics Knowledge subtests
For Dummies - 2014
This year, nearly half a million new recruits will take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery used by all branches of the United States Military. In addition, guidance counselors will administer the test to nearly one million high school students as a measure of occupational aptitude and for use in enrollment at vocational training schools. Kaplan ASVAB 2011 features comprehensive preparation for anyone studying for this exam. This guide offers detailed information about the test and reviews the different subjects test takers need to know, including Word Knowledge, Arithmetic Reasoning, General Science, Mechanical Comprehension, and more. Included are three full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations, an overview of key math concepts, a vocabulary word list, and effective test-taking strategies.
Now, more than ever, Kaplan ASVAB is essential for the growing number of people that annually take this exam.
Kaplan - 2015
Young men and women who enter any branch of the United States Armed Forces (as well as current service members who want to raise their scores) must take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), which determines their qualifications for military service and aptitudes for specialized training. This set of flash cards prepares aspiring recruits with questions that cover all 9 ASVAB subtests, including word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, general science, electronics, shop and automotive information, mechanical comprehension, mathematics knowledge, and mentally assembling rotated objects. Questions are on the front and answers are on the reverse side of each flash card. The cards, which measure 4 1/2" x 2 3/4", each have a punch hole in one corner that accommodates an enclosed metal key-ring-style card holder. The ring allows users to arrange the cards in any sequence that suits their study needs. This set of 400 cards can be used alone or in tandem with Barron's ASVAB test preparation manual.
Barron's - 2014
Completely Revised in August 2015. Accepted, Inc.'s AFOQT study guide provides the information, insider tips, and confidence you need to score higher on the AFOQT. Our AFOQT guide provides a comprehensive, easy-to-understand review of all tested concepts, with example questions covering each and every section of the AFOQT exam. Best of all, our study guide is streamlined and concept-driven, guaranteeing you’ll get better results through shorter, more effective study time. Accepted, Inc. gives you “everything you need to know” in a concise, comprehensive, and effective package.
Accepted - 2015
Developed for students trying to score well on the ASVAB, this comprehensive study guide includes:
The ASVAB practice tests were designed to be as close as possible to the real test questions that you will face on test day. There are 185 questions on the main ASVAB practice test and 105 in each of the two bonus AFQT practice tests. This is a total of almost 400 ASVAB practice questions to help get you ready for your exam.
The practice exams are each followed by detailed answer explanations. If you miss a question on the practice exam, it's important that you are able to understand the nature of your mistake and how to avoid making it again in the future. The answer explanations will help you to learn from your mistakes and overcome them.
- Word Knowledge Test Review
- Paragraph Comprehension Test Review
- Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge Review
- General Science Test Review
- Assembling Objects Test Review
- Mechanical Comprehension Test Review
- One ASVAB Practice Test Plus 2 Additional AFQT Practice Tests
- Detailed Answer Explanations for the Practice Questions
- Test Taking Strategies
The ASVAB practice tests were designed to be as close as possible to the real test questions that you will face on test day. There are 185 questions on the main ASVAB practice test and 105 in each of the two bonus AFQT practice tests. This is a total of almost 400 ASVAB practice questions to help get you ready for your exam.
The practice exams are each followed by detailed answer explanations. If you miss a question on the practice exam, it's important that you are able to understand the nature of your mistake and how to avoid making it again in the future. The answer explanations will help you to learn from your mistakes and overcome them.
Exam Review Press - 2015
A crucial test stands before anyone interested in joining the military: the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. A daunting challenge for many aspiring military personnel, this exam tests your English skills, mathematics skills, and technical knowledge. The exam is used not only as a screening tool, but as a career placement guide - which makes getting a high score even more important. Brought to you by the test experts at Video Aided Instruction, this comprehensive review will help prepare individuals for any version of the ASVAB they might take.
Video Aided Instruct - 2004
For as little as a few dollars you get:

- Online study courses for the ASVAB:
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Word Knowledge
- Mathematics Knowledge
- Paragraph Comprehension
- 4 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations
- Interactive practice exercises to improve memory retention
- Access to ASVAB Advisors to answer your questions
ASVAB Boot Camp - 2015