Study Guides for the Regents - Algebra Exam!

Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Algebra I
As of 2014, the New York State Algebra I curriculum is completely aligned with Common Core standards. This up-to-date book will prepare students for the new Algebra I (Common Core) Regents exam. It features:
  • The first 2 actual Regents exams administered for the updated Algebra I course
  • Practice tests from past Integrated Algebra Regents
  • All answers fully explained
  • Comprehensive review questions, grouped by topic
  • Study tips, test-taking strategies, score analysis charts, and more valuable features
Students will find a review of all pertinent math topics, including sets, algebraic language, linear equations and formulas, ratios, rates, and proportions, polynomials and factoring, radicals and right triangles, area and volume, quadratic and exponential functions, and much more. It's an essential, must-have guide to preparing for the Algebra I Regents.
Number of Reviews: 38starsRate this Product
Barron's Educational Series - 2015

Let's Review Algebra I
This brand new book prepares students for the new Algebra I (Common Core) exam. In addition to the math review and exams, the book includes a 32-page color supplement of Common Core material. Students can use this one book to prepare for their Algebra I Regents exams whether or not their district has adopted Common Core standards.

Using many step-by-step demonstration examples and helpful diagrams, this book presents a clearly organized chapter-by-chapter review of all New York State Regents Algebra I topics. Students will also find helpful exercise sections within each chapter with a sampling of Regents-type multiple-choice and constructed-response questions. Includes the June 2014 Algebra I (Common Core) exam for more practice and review. Answers provided for all questions.
Number of Reviews: 3starsRate this Product
Barron's Educational Series - 2015

Algebra I Common Core
Course Workbook for the New York State Algebra I Common Core Regents Exam. Each section contains key terms and concepts, model problems, calculator instructions, practice problems, and Regents exam questions. Includes over 600 past Regents questions, organized by topic, plus a complete sample Regents exam. Answer key available separately.
Number of Reviews: 2starsRate this Product
CreateSpace Independent - 2014

Regents Success Strategies Algebra I (Common Core)
Regents Success Strategies Algebra I (Common Core) helps you ace the Regents, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive Regents Success Strategies Algebra I (Common Core) study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. Regents Success Strategies Algebra I (Common Core) includes: The 5 Secret Keys to Regents Test Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; Maximizing Your Preparation including: Test Taking Tips, Final Tips for Test Day; Along with a complete, in-depth study guide for your specific Regents Test, and much more...
Number of Reviews: 3starsRate this Product
Mometrix Test Preparation - 2015